Sample delicious cuisine provided by North Rockland's finest restaurants!
Our sponsoring restaurants generously provide an incredible variety of cuisines in a single setting.

Literally a treat for every taste, and a chance to sample new dining options which you may not have considered before.
Mix and mingle with your friends and neighbors!

Part of the magic of the evening is the people who attend. People who live, work and play here in North Rockland, and who care about our community. A great way to renew old acquaintances , make new ones and keep up with what is going on in your community. Come, bring your friends and add to the mix!
An opportunity to help your community!
An evening of food, entertainment and fun sounds good! But it's even better because proceeds from this event will go to help those in need right here in our community. A portion of the proceeds will help WestCOP provide food, benefit and employment to poor families here in Rockland. Another portion of the proceeds will go to help United Women of Rockland assist women in our community struggling with serious illness and the problems which illness creates in their daily lives. A further portion of the proceeds will go to help the Haverstraw Police Athletic League instill values of respect and sportsmanship in our youth through its sports-based program.
This event will be held at West Haverstraw Village Hall, 130 Samsondale Ave.
Tickets are only $45 per person. Because this event has sold out in the past, PRE-RESERVATIONS ARE RECOMMENDED.
You can reserve your tickets by:
1. Buy by mail- Send check payable to North Rockland Rotary Club INC along with name of your party to:North Rockand Rotary Club P.O. Box 10, Garnerville, NY 10923.
2. Pay by Venmo-@NRRotary; please put "TONR" and the name of your party in the memo.